People, people and yes, more people. I noted on Kyle Bernstein's blog, that he felt he couldn't blog during Greenbuild effectively, and I felt I was in the same boat - someday I'll get there, but for now, it's after the fact blogging - yech. The Skyline ballroom in the McCormick West Convention center was packed. Some of us waited a couple hours to make sure we could get in to see President Clinton speak during the plenary session on Wednesday morning.

Dan Shaw, my colleague in civil engineering at LHB joined me at my table for Paul Hawkin's inspiring speech on Thursday. I usually try and avoid people I know so that I can have conversations with new people doing different things. I had a great conversation with a guy with a major commissioning/construction firm in California while waiting for Hawkin and some architects from Utah just getting into LEED. I ended up sort of berating a young architect that wanted to wait and wait to take his LEED Accredited Professional Exam instead of biting the bullet and getting it done. He had even just recently taking a training class, a perfect time to get his testing complete.
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