Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cooking Apples

It's been a couple of days of work, but we've turned about 20 pounds of Haralson apples we got from Nancy Mount into Apple Jelly and Apple Butter. A few oops along the way, we added too much water to the jelly and then had to cook it a bit longer to reduce the water, and I slightly charred the apple butter (also I don't think I reduced it enough). Next time we'll do better. a few firsts, first time with liquid pectin, first time using a jelly bag, first time making both products.

Right now making good 'ol chicken and dumplin's using a 1997 recipe from Cooks Illustrated. We are having the kids come over for dinner so we are getting some of it ahead.

1 comment:

Randy DeMars said...

I have been making apple sauce as well. Bumper crop of apples in Bayfiled this year so they are very cheap - Cortlands and MacIntosh for $10 a bushel. Trying to make apple butter today - never tried it before. Smells good!