Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuna begone

It is a sad thing, but I have come to the conclusion that I have to reduce or eliminate most sushi grade tuna from my life. Its so good and yummy, but the cost to the environment for much of the blue fin tuna has risen to the level (or is it that the cost has always been there, I just wasn't aware of it) where I feel I must change my behavior. There have been a number of articles and pieces about this issue so for some time I have been a bit nervious about this. On Valentine's Day, Aliceon and I were talking about a wonderful tuna taco she had enjoyed at the Scenic Cafe. She said my face just turned so serious she knew something was up. We had a discussion into my thoughts about this issue and my getting a bit more nervous about eating tuna.

Then on Friday I heard the portion of Science Friday (NPR) that discussed ocean health. One of the speakers thinks there should be a moratorium on bluefin fishing. I guess that enough for me, so now I'm on a quest to find a sustainable sushi choice.

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