Follow up on yesterday's steam line "explosion," I saw a new 18 inch diameter expansion joint sitting next to the work site this morning. Since this is one of the most fragile part of a steam distribution system, I expect that the rupture of the existing joint caused the issue yesterday. The new "joint" is a internally pressurized SS bellows unit, usually the district energy folks around here use an externally pressurized unit - I wonder if this is just a temporary unit? The rupture looks like it make have occurred in the expansion joint manhole. The Duluth News Tribune has a photo of the aftermath.

Here is the control center of Building Performance at LHB. Dell notebook computer with Apple sticker and family crest. Sound system for after hour use. Pens, pencils and chopsticks, cups for coffee/tea, calculators (I keep four around) - and lots and lots of paper.

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