April's Gourmet magazine brought a recipe I wanted to try. (BTW - I only get this because I got it free with some purchase at Amazon) It was actually in an advertisement for a new food show and it was for a 6 minuite pizza dough. I was intrigued and hungry at lunch time so I thought I would try it. First since it was for only me I halved the ingredients - 7/8 cup of flour some salt sugar olive oil and a teaspoon of rapid rise yeast mixed with water to make a wet dough in the food processor, the wetness mixes everything up well. Then add in a bit of flour to make it workable.Roll out really thin, brush with more olive oil and put on a preheated gas grill for a couple of minuites. Flip and put some toppings on and you have a super thin crisp crust pizza, sort of Neopolitian style. Good and fast.

I have been sick the last two weeks with the flu - I had hoped to keep it off as I was sick in January, but no such luck. This also seems to be the busiest time in my business life in a few months, it weems I'm on the run for the next month. Off to Omaha with Steve McNeill this week. Then prep for a couple speaking engagments next week. I'm really excited about trying to use some new style no bullet point presentation techiques but it's going to take me awhile to get the style integrated into the existing presentations.